Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why Home Business Classified Ads Will Make All The Difference

by Carael Knight
For many people still relying on a day job to live, the home business represents the best and easiest way for them to enter the world of being their own boss and thus any classified ads targeting this market are bound to yield fabulous results.

But first it is important to know how to use home business classified ads for the biggest effect and the best results. It is important that you know how to write classified ads that are bound to sell or give you the highest possible response.

To write effective classified ads you will need to be familiar with the widely used AIDA formula for writing classified ads. AIDA is important for anybody intending to write effective classified ads. AIDA stands for ATTENTION, INTEREST, DESIRE and ACTION.

The whole idea is to first draw the attention of your prospects, and then create interest. The first words of the classified ad or the headline must draw the attention of your prospects by addressing their needs or a solution to their most pressing problems. As they start reading your classified their interest should be piqued. This should then move to desire and cause them to take whatever action you have asked them to in the classified ad as they finish reading it. It is important to note here that with classified ads you should always demand some deliberate and direct action from your readers. Ask them to email you, call you or even order your free report.

Remember that the rule is classified ads should not try and sell directly, rather they should seek to build an opt-in email list or generate prospects who can be further sold to.

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